From left to right:
Miguel: Olá! I'm 14 years old and I live in a village called Ribas. I like taking photos and I love football.
Dália: Hello! I'm Dália, I love photos, writing, walking and nature!
Helena: Hi! My name is Helena, I live in Carvalhais and I'm 28.I'm a psychologist and I work in social projects. I like to read, travelling and mountain sports. I'll be coordinating this nice group :)
Tiago: Hello! My name is Tiagos Ramos, I'm 17 years old. I'm a student and I really like taking photos, listening music and meeting new people.
Ricardo: Hello :) I'm Ricardo, I have 16 years old and I live in São Pedro do Sul. I am a little bit shy...but sympathic:) I woudl like to meet you all.
Rodrigo is missing...he run away from the photo...
...and we have some more nice youngsters helping us and participating on the workshops:
They are all studying in a vocational training course at the Centro de Promoção Social, learning to be carpenters, just like Miguel, Tiago and Ricardo. We can present them later :)